Pattern making/adaptation.
This week I've made the final decision to create and work on something clean and as streamed lined along the lines of suitings or blazers. To some people this may be simple and easy to them but for me personally It's quite complex. I have taken the opportunity to take my time and understand the structure/anatomy of how blazers are made to the best of my ability. I can definitely say that traditional blazers are not easy but can be quite complex if you have not much knowledge around it. It may take a few practice and toiles till I'am able to reach the point where I can successfully sew one cleanly. In this week's toile I was mostly having trouble figuring out the Collar, and how I would adapt it and sew it onto the neckline. Thankfully I was able to refer back to Galina's pinterest board and teams page for some indication. For my final toile, I will be adding interfacing onto the bodice and within the collar - which could create more of a structured look. I can definitely say I'm quite immersed and focused to perfect this and achieve a streamlined, clean garment at the end even though it may seem like a basic piece. This has also expanded my knowledge with pattern making and adaptation, although I think there's still more space for improvement and more things I need to learn within this technique.
Adding Interfacing - (Week 5)