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- Final development
Reflection During Part 2 of this assignment I was mostly focused on the construction, and pattern making side of things. I wanted to take the opportunity to learn, and enhance my knowledge and skills with tailoring along with growing and developing my skills with up-cycling. I feel like learning about the traditional mens suit jacket and how it is constructed has and will help me for the future. Although, I did have some trouble figuring out and perfecting some parts, for example: trying to figure out the right way to sew the collar on the neckline. I think these were some of the obstacles that have pushed me behind. I have been challenged during this project - leading me to learn alot about myself through the process, as well as questioning myself. It has forced me to work out of my comfort zone, and work in a way different to how I usually work, which I'm still trying to figure out and adapt to. But I can definitely say after this project, I think I will be somewhat ready for the next and will be better planned and or equipped for it. In the end, I was unable to fully develop and expand my ideas, as I think I was fully immersed and too focused with construction. I'm hoping to bring my ideas that I was unable to present in this project to the next, with a clearer path and mind. Moreover, I think I definitely see my work-style to be quite experimental whilst using artisanal methods, such as tailoring and up-cycling throughout this project. I found that as I work, it was easy for me change, develop, and adapt my patterns as I go in my mind, instead of stopping and drafting another . It was easier for me to sketch out what it was in my mind on my ipad, visualising it, then making a quick toile.
- Flat pattern making (3)
I was able to use a suit jacket block and had the opportunity to adapt, manipulate, and experiment it to my own patterns, I was able to play with composition and again just trial and erroring throughout this process.
- (2)
I wanted to try make these sleeves from Part 1 of this assignment, as I'm considering to integrate it for part 2 of this assignment. However, I think at the moment it may be irrelevant and should focus more on the construction and tailoring of a suit jacket.
- Deconstruction (1)
For this Garment, I initially wanted to deconstruct a blazer to see it as a flat pattern to get a better understanding on how/what a blazer should be like, and how I could manipulate or adapt my own patterns - hoping to create a suit jacket from scratch in the future. I wanted to also focus on how the construction is made to be, I felt like deconstructing. experimenting, and trial and erroring, helped me a little to get that better understanding regarding construction. From the flat pieces I could clearly see how the patterns were cute, and stitched onto. I was thinking of using these flat pieces to create/make my own pattern - Unfortunately it wasn't resolved in the end. My other ideas was trying to create a collage or layers from the scrap fabric/deconstruction and integrating two other blazers - which acted as sleeves attached to the armholes. I'm not sure how I feel with how I finished this garment. I feel as if this whole process was for me to discover, and learn more about the construction of the suit jacket through experimenting and deconstructing this garment.
- Men’s Dress Reform Party MDRP (1929-1940).
Members of the Men’s Dress Reform Party in London, 1929. In the early twentieth-century the Men's Dress Reform Group (MDRG), was historically known to take on the perceived physical and social constraints of men's clothing. In fact, they were instigated as a subsidiary of the New Health Society in central London. This group/party was founded by radiologist Alfred Jordan in in 1929 but disbanded in 1940. The party was created with the "intention of furthering human race through men's dress and correcting its various physical and social constraints" (Vestoj Editors, n.d), they did this by addressing the issue of health concerns of highly tailored and un-washable men's dress, as well as outlining aesthetic reform, attempting to further the beauty of men. It was proposed that the MDRP silhouette's was outlined to be looser, comfortable, and encouraged garments to be in brighter colours, as well as personally expressive; which would supposedly make men more aesthetically pleasing and attractive to their female counterparts. Findings: - The MDRP advocated for fine materials and craftsmanship - aiming to be less structured and lighter in their garments. However, this would of required the skills of a dressmakers as much as a tailor. This was a challenge to the ancient hierarchy of labour within the clothing trades - The MDRP wanted less structured and restricted clothing - instead wanted lighter, and brighter clothing. However, from what I have read it defeats the fact that tailoring techniques cannot really be utilised, as they intend to work with lightweight materials e.g silk - Instead it's more convenient for a dressmaker to do this. - They thought jackets were mostly unnecessary, ugly, and excessively padded - a "attractive" substitute to this was a knitted jumper. - It was highly prioritised that trousers were abolished. Instead shorts, or breeches was a better option as an alternative. - Men were increasingly enjoying the pleasers of modernity and consumerism through the medium of fashion. - The concerns of having a washable garment, so there was an advocation for unlined coats
- Design Framework
Give your work context, locate your work within one of the following fashion categories. Base from my work produced, I think I see and would consider my work to be in the fashion category: 'Artisanal Clothing' - basing this off from part 1 of this project, as I have used tailoring techniques in part 1. However, If I considered past projects and assignments - my work and style could also be considered to be in the 'Experimental' side of fashion. Made in Aotearoa Project (2021) During this project I was supposedly designing a garment for the brand 'JIMMY D' the technique of up-cycling was utilised. I was able to create and adapt a new look/garment, by using two different blazers and combining and up-cycling both blazers together. Therefore, this could be considered to be in the 'Artisanal' side of fashion. From my present and past work, I've always been wanting to try and experiment with mens blazer and or suiting, and the different ways it could be manipulated, changed, adapted, and reformed into something different and not your usual traditional blazer. Kind of breaking or re-inventing, the restrictions of mens blazers and or suitings. I think this has been a somewhat of a recurring theme throughout my projects. I think think this idea of mine, has originated during a theory class in my first year as a fashion student. It was a presentation regarding Mid-Century Modern and fashion in those times, and the topic of mens fashion, particularly suitings was brought in - it was a presentation of its history and how it has evolved. However, from what I witnessed and realised there wasn't much change in men's suitings it was quite constant and exactly similar to what we see today. Continuing with part 2 of this brief, I have always had this idea in the back of my head of designing a deconstructed look with the suitings, I'm quite interested to how I would achieve this but without having to buy or find an existing old blazer or suit pants and deconstruct and up-cycle it. Instead, I want to be able to create my own patterns and starting from scratch in order to create this deconstructed look with mens suiting, whilst staying clean within my stitchings. However, this idea could be further developed. Artisanal Brands & Designers Brands and Designers in the Artisanal side of Fashion (RESEARCH IN PROGRESS)
- Week 5
Final Toile Garment. Reflection This brief started off with me experimenting and trying out pre-made patterns and trying my best to follow step-by-step to sew whatever garment - cleanly and streamed lined. During this process, it felt quite unfamiliar to me as I usually don't work with such restrictions, also most patterns that I would find would come with no instructions/directions on where to start/what to do next, so there were times where it was unclear and I questioned myself if I was doing this right. This then lead me to - using existing patterns and or blocks and adapting and changing it around. This was quite similar to me working on deconstructing an existing garment and up-cycling it. However, I found that changing an existing block was quite technical and challenging for me - and wasn't sure if I was going to the right direction. Which then gave me the idea of making my own patterns but through draping, which didn't really get me far either but I did have somewhat of an understanding of it - but I think I need more time to fully understand and master this technique. Towards the end, I ended up going back to using existing patterns/blocks and adapting it, but more subtly. However, during this time I had the thought of wanting to learn more of how a blazer/jacket suit is traditionally made, sewn or tailored, I thought that this could benefit me in the long run - as I had a thought of a deconstructed blazer but tailored with clean seams, stitches, and hems. But in order for me to do this, I thought I should learn the anatomy of a blazer in-depth. Although, throughout this brief I was quite focused on the collar and how I could manipulate and create silhouette in this area. I was gonna experiment with sleeves, but due to time constraints I was not able to do this. To conclude, this brief has very much taken me out of my comfort zone and has somewhat expanded my knowledge and skillset regarding with tailoring - not fully but I'd want to know more. It has also lead me to confusion throughout my experimentation process and questions that was later on answered. I regret not branching off more to other techniques I have not yet tried, but personally I was very immersed, invested, and focused on practicing and perfecting technical pattern making/cutting - I'm hoping to be able to expand this skillset in the future.
- Concepts and Developments
Concept ideations and developments, ideated from experimentations.
- Week 3 Experimentation
Draping experimentation, my intentions this week was trying draping in order to create a pattern from it. This week I was inspired from Alexander Mcqueen's Spring 2022 Ready-to-Wear collection. The imagery of the garment piece by 'Victor and Rolph Another F/W 1999' reminded me of a Filipino traditional dress called the 'Baro't Saya' or also known as the 'Filipiniana - with the high, structured, and rounded shoulder/sleeve. Reflection From this week I have to make a decision of focusing on the sleeve or collar more - regarding creating that silhouette/volume on my garment. At first, I was more curious about the collar and how I can manipulate it to add in that silhouette - my head is quite in two places at the moment. But I think in the end I realised I can create more variations/possibilities of silhouette If I brought it to the sleeves. I'm hoping to try a few more experimentations before creating a final toile, although I'm still kind of unclear where/how this garment piece will look towards the end. Moreover, I'm also hoping to create a deconstructed look whilst staying clean cut with my sewing and seams/hems - however, I think I'll save this for part 2 of the course.
- Week 4
Pattern making/adaptation. Reflection This week I've made the final decision to create and work on something clean and as streamed lined along the lines of suitings or blazers. To some people this may be simple and easy to them but for me personally It's quite complex. I have taken the opportunity to take my time and understand the structure/anatomy of how blazers are made to the best of my ability. I can definitely say that traditional blazers are not easy but can be quite complex if you have not much knowledge around it. It may take a few practice and toiles till I'am able to reach the point where I can successfully sew one cleanly. In this week's toile I was mostly having trouble figuring out the Collar, and how I would adapt it and sew it onto the neckline. Thankfully I was able to refer back to Galina's pinterest board and teams page for some indication. For my final toile, I will be adding interfacing onto the bodice and within the collar - which could create more of a structured look. I can definitely say I'm quite immersed and focused to perfect this and achieve a streamlined, clean garment at the end even though it may seem like a basic piece. This has also expanded my knowledge with pattern making and adaptation, although I think there's still more space for improvement and more things I need to learn within this technique. Adding Interfacing - (Week 5)